The journey to Ijen as far as three kilometers can be achieved by all people, adults and childrens with healthy bodies. The journey starts at a small path of Pal Tuding where many cottages managed by the Ministry of Forestry are available. The journey usually takes 1.5 to 2 hours walk to Ijen Crater.
Watching directly the mining activities are not allowed for public, especially those with physical problems and vertigo. The rule especially apply to those who would feel sick and dizzy easily if they inhale the sulphuric smoke.
The journey to the crater must apply extreme caution. On your way up, never talk to the miners carrying baskets if you don't have to. They would later stop and talk with you which would slow their rhytms and forcing them to use extra energy located at the bottom of the mountain at Pal Tuding. What an extraordinary scene, yet gloomy for us.
About ten minutes later, the path ended at an open space with the sight of a beautiful valley on our right. Up here, we could see Rante and Raung Mountains in the distance. It was less than twenty minutes for us to reach the Ijen Crater from here as we could already smell sulphur indistinct. Although, the mountain was still active, still the picture of enjoying the Breathtaking crater that only few could enjoy -ad diminished their worries.
Ijen Crater was the final destination for the visitors, but actually it was a start for the miners. Yes, down below in the deep crater the mining was located.
The journey to the mining place was rocky and very steep. To reach it, we had to take a small path along the rocky wall on our right and 200-meter slope on our left. The path itself was very sloppy. What a startling outlook to see the miners had to carry up to hundreds kilograms of sulphur on their shoulders along the hard path. Yet, the picture was not complete unless we could see directly the mining activities on ground zero located on the side of a la ke.
Watching directly the mining activities are not allowed for public, especially those with physical problems and vertigo. The rule especially apply to those who would feel sick and dizzy easily if they inhale the sulphuric smoke.
The journey to the crater must apply extreme caution. On your way up, never talk to the miners carrying baskets if you don't have to. They would later stop and talk with you which would slow their rhytms and forcing them to use extra energy located at the bottom of the mountain at Pal Tuding. What an extraordinary scene, yet gloomy for us.
About ten minutes later, the path ended at an open space with the sight of a beautiful valley on our right. Up here, we could see Rante and Raung Mountains in the distance. It was less than twenty minutes for us to reach the Ijen Crater from here as we could already smell sulphur indistinct. Although, the mountain was still active, still the picture of enjoying the Breathtaking crater that only few could enjoy -ad diminished their worries.
Ijen Crater was the final destination for the visitors, but actually it was a start for the miners. Yes, down below in the deep crater the mining was located.
The journey to the mining place was rocky and very steep. To reach it, we had to take a small path along the rocky wall on our right and 200-meter slope on our left. The path itself was very sloppy. What a startling outlook to see the miners had to carry up to hundreds kilograms of sulphur on their shoulders along the hard path. Yet, the picture was not complete unless we could see directly the mining activities on ground zero located on the side of a la ke.
Melihat langsung kegiatan pertambangan tidak diperbolehkan untuk umum, terutama mereka dengan masalah fisik dan vertigo. Peraturan tersebut terutama berlaku untuk mereka yang akan merasa sakit dan pusing dengan mudah jika mereka menghirup asap belerang.
Perjalanan ke kawah harus menerapkan sangat hati-hati. Dalam perjalanan ke atas, tidak pernah berbicara dengan para penambang membawa keranjang jika anda tidak perlu. Mereka kemudian akan berhenti dan berbicara dengan Anda yang akan memperlambat rhytms mereka dan memaksa mereka untuk menggunakan energi ekstra yang terletak di bagian bawah gunung di Pal Tuding. Apa adegan yang luar biasa, namun suram bagi kita.
Sekitar sepuluh menit kemudian, jalan yang berakhir pada ruang terbuka dengan pemandangan lembah yang indah di sebelah kanan kami. Sampai di sini, kita bisa melihat Rante dan Pegunungan Raung di kejauhan. Itu kurang dari dua puluh menit bagi kami untuk mencapai Kawah Ijen dari sini seperti yang kita sudah bisa bau belerang tidak jelas. Meskipun, gunung itu masih aktif, masih gambar menikmati kawah mempesona yang hanya sedikit bisa menikmati-iklan berkurang kekhawatiran mereka.
Kawah Ijen merupakan tujuan akhir bagi para pengunjung, namun sebenarnya itu adalah awal bagi para penambang. Ya, di bawah di kawah yang dalam pertambangan berada.
Perjalanan ke tempat pertambangan itu berbatu dan sangat curam. Untuk mencapai itu, kami harus mengambil jalan kecil sepanjang dinding berbatu di sebelah kanan kami dan kemiringan 200 meter di sebelah kiri kami. Jalan itu sendiri sangat ceroboh. Apa pandangan yang mengejutkan untuk melihat penambang harus membawa sampai ratusan kilogram belerang di pundak mereka di sepanjang jalur keras. Namun, foto itu tidak lengkap kecuali kita bisa melihat langsung kegiatan pertambangan di ground zero yang terletak di sisi a la ke.
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