Senin, 13 Desember 2010

Sultan Palace Megah And Full of Meaning

kraton yogyakarta1
It lies between the northern boundary and the monument as Stage Krapyak the south border, between Code River in the east and west Winongo River. Between Mount Merapi and the South Sea, Palace in the mind of the Javanese society, defined as the center of the world which is described as the center of the universe.
History of establishment


The history begins with the founding of the Kingdom of Mataram Giyanti agreement in 1755. Then the Sultan of Mataram split into 2 Solo and Yogya. King Palace Solo is Pakubuwono to 13 while the king of Yogyakarta Palace is now Hamengkubuwono to 10. Yogyakarta Palace was built in 1756 or the same with Java in 1682.

Layout Palace

The entire area of keratin that we kunungi this is 14 acres, and land area of 14 hectares is divided into 7 sections which consist of:
1. North plaza and Siti North Hinggil


2. North Kemandhungan
3. Page Srimanganti. Sri means King while Manganti mean waiting
4. Kedhaton
5. Kemegangan
6. South Kemandhungan
7. South plaza and Sasono Hinggil


Spatial meaning Palace
Spatial Palace has 2 parts, namely Ward Kenchington and Prabayeksa Building. Kencana Ward serves as the great meeting place such as marriage, circumcision and kosher gatherings, ceremonies penyemayaman sultan's body, as well as for entertaining guests great. Meanwhile, House Prabayeksa serves as a place to save the heritage palace which is a dagger, Bomba and others. Prabayeksa building is open every month of Sura, where the heirlooms are washed palace.
Function places at Palace
In general, the Palace has a number of places that have different functions. Number of places contained in this palace is 8 places, namely:
1. North plaza serves as a gym warrior.

2. Siti North Hinggil serves as a place of inauguration of the King.

3. North Kemandhungan serves as a place for soldiers to gather.
4. Srimanganti. As has been said before, Srimanganti consists of two words that mean the king and Sri Manganti which means waiting. Therefore Srimanganti serves as the living room in antiquity, but its function has changed now. Now, Srimanganti used as a place of art in which every person can watch puppet who is held every Sunday, shadow puppets are held every Wednesday, and puppet show.
5. Kedhaton serves as the residence of King along with his family.

Kedaton Plered 2 (1928)
6. Kemegangan taken from the word drink tea and serves as the royal kitchen.
7. South Kemandhungan serves as a place of sport archery. Because this field is used as a place of sport archery, then this place is also often used as a place to hold the archery competition.
8. South Hinggil Sasono serves as a place to hold leather puppet.
9. South plaza serves as a gathering place of the soldiers.
How to Maintain sacredness Palace
To maintain the sanctity Palace sesasi then performed every 2 weeks on Friday night and Tuesday and still maintain the cleanliness of all places.
Function Palace
Function Palace is divided into two: the function of the palace in the past and function in the present palace. First of all, we will explain about the functions of the palace in the past. In the past the palace serves as a residence of kings. Palace was established in 1756, other than that in the southern part of this palace, there is a complex of chivalry which is used as a school sultan's sons. School they segregated from the common school as it was already a rule in the palace that the sultan's sons are not allowed to attend the same school with the people. Meanwhile, the royal palace in the present function as tourist attractions can be visited by anyone both domestic and foreign tourists. Apart from being a place for sightseeing, do not forget also that survived palace functions from the beginning until now that is a place to live the sultan.
At the moment we will enter the second page of the palace, where there are gates in front of it there are two statues. Each statue has the opposite meaning. Arca who is on the right called Cingkorobolo which symbolizes goodness, while the statue is located on the left called Boloupotu who symbolizes evil. Besides, we also get a little information about the Sultan Hamengkubuwono IX. Sultan to IX of Yogyakarta Palace was born on April 12, 1940 and died in the age to 48 is on October 3, 1988. He has a wide range of hobbies, such as dancing, mendalang, puppet plays, and the last photograph. Sultan has a famous motto is, "See to the people."
Genealogy of King of Mataram Kingdom
Raden Mas Sujono Bendara 1756 - 1792 (Hamengkubuwono I)
Raden Mas Sundoro Bendara 1792 - 1812 (HamengkubuwonoII)
Raden Mas Surojo Bendara 1812 - 1814 (Hamengkubuwono III)
Raden Mas Ibnu Bendara Jarat 1814 - 1823 (Hamengkubuwono IV)
Raden Mas Batot Bendara Menol 1823 - 1835 (Hamengkubuwono V)
Raden Mas Murtedjo Bendara 1855 - 1877 (Hamengkubuwono VI)
Raden Mas Musteyo Bendara 1877 - 1921 (Hamengkubuwono VII)
Raden Mas Sujadi Bendara 1921 - 1939 (Hamengkubuwono VIII)
Raden Mas Dorojatun Bendara 1940 - 1988 (Hamengkubuwono IX)
Raden Mas Herjuno Bendara Darpito 1988 - present (Hamengkubuwono X)

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