Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Historic mosque Mosque Religious Tourism


Baiturrahman Grand Mosque is one of the cultural attractions of the most prominent in Banda Aceh, as well as a "icon" of tourism in Aceh. The building is strategically located in the heart of the city of Banda Aceh, which is equipped with a variety of architecture and ornamentation typical of Aceh which remarkable. The mosque has become one of the targets of tourist visits.This Mosque was built about 12 centuries ago and has burned several times, including when the Dutch attacked the Kuta Raja (Banda Aceh) in 1873. Then in 1883 the Dutch rebuilt the mosque in an effort to propitiate the people of Aceh. The building of this mosque has a five-dome and the walls are wide and large frame. Around the base of the dome, walls and pillars are various types of decoration that interesting.
Source: Office of Culture and Tourism Prov NAD

Masjid Agung Banten 
By Bambang Setia Budi

Great Mosque of Banten, as old and historic mosque, always enlivened the pilgrims every day from various areas in Java in general.Complex building of this mosque in the village of Banten Lama, about 10 kilometers north of Serang, Banten province capital.Great Mosque of Banten, was first built by Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin (1552-1570), Apart from being a place of worship, also become a tourist attraction riligi,
According to people in the past, the Great Mosque of Banten in the first five stacked arcades, but in the 17th century had turned into three. This case was possible because the two roof top stacks is actually only an additional roof supported center poleThe most interesting part of the roof of the Great Mosque of Banten is precisely on two concentric stack of roof top that vaguely remind idiom Chinese pagoda. Both roofs were standing right on top of the stack with a third roof structure system supplier that meets style at one point. The laying of such a show the impression as if the roof in a critical position and easy to waver, but this is precisely the main attraction.
Two roof top stack that serves as the crown seemed more than a roof covering the inside of the building space. No wonder the forms and expressions as it actually can be read in two interpretations: the mosque roofed stacked five or mosque roofed plus stacks of three with two crowns on it as an aesthetic element.
Another interesting element is the tower to the east of the large and monumental, and is unique because there has never been a tower like that in Java, even in the whole archipelago. Because the tower is not a tradition that complements the mosque in Java in the early days, the Great Mosque of Banten is among the first mosque to use elements of the tower in Java.
Tradition says, a brick tower constructed approximately 24 feet high as it used to be said to function more as the tower of view / observers to offshore because of its shape like a lighthouse than as a place to carry a call to prayer. Clearly, all of Banten, Dutch news almost always mention the tower, the tower proves that always attracted visitors of the City of Banten past.
The news also showed the tower has been built not long ago with the construction of mosques. From Dr KC Crucq search results, which have been loaded in the essay titled Aanteekeningen Over de Manara te Banten (Some Notes on the Tower in Banten), published in Tidscrift Voor de Indische Taal, Land and Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch Indie, otherwise, the tower was built during Emperor Maulana Maulana Hasanuddin when his son Joseph were grown and married.
However, from the ornaments, the tower of the Great Mosque of Banten seemed unaffected decorative art found in Java, such as tower-shaped headdress ornament dagoba or elongated triangle, known as tumpal. Both are often found in East Java Candi Jago and other temples. In fact, the motive of niches at the entrance of the tower as if it is a simplification of kala-makara motif in the tradition of pre-Islamic culture of Indonesia as well as decoration of mihrab Kasepuhan Great Mosque in Cirebon.
ACTUALLY there are many other unique elements that may be mentioned briefly, such as the pedestals of stone andesite large gourd-shaped and vary in each basic pillar of the mosque. Most large-sized pumpkin with a line that most of the pedestals on the four pillars pillars in the middle of the prayer room. The size of this huge base with no will we meet along the island of Java, except in the former ruins of one of the mosques in Plered Sultanate of Mataram, Yogyakarta.
In addition, there is a large pulpit and full of antique ornaments and colors. Place this sermon is a waqf Nyai Haji Irad Jonjang Attack on 23 Shawwal 1323 Hijri (1903 AD) as written in Arabic script bald on the top face of the viewer chancel arch. Different from mimbarnya that attract attention, mihrab (the imam leading the prayer) in the form of very very small niche, narrow and simple. This is very different from that developed in the mosque mihrab in other parts of the world.
The existence of the pavilion and pond for ablutions in the east complete the general characteristics of the Javanese mosque. Pole marquee that was built during the reign of Sultan Maulana Yusuf was also using a stone base with pumpkin in the form of buildings and traditional construction techniques of Java.


Mosque Minaret is one of the relics of history, as evidence of the spread of Islam in Java. This mosque is unique because the design of the building, which is a merger between the Hindu Culture and Islamic Culture. As we know, before Islam, Java has grown in Buddhism and Hinduism with the legacy of temples and temple. In addition there is the worship of the Spirit Ancestors (animism) and belief in the objects (dynamism). Mosque Minaret into evidence, how a combination of Islamic Culture and Hindu culture has produced a building that is unique and high-style architecture. A building of mosques, but with the tower in the form of temples and various other ornaments of the Hindu style.
Sunan mosque built by the Holy Ghost in the year 956 H. This can be seen from the slate that is located in Pengimaman mosque, which reads and shaped Arabic, which is difficult to read because it has a lot of letters damaged. Stone was armored, and the size of the shield is with a length of 46 cm, width 30 cm. The legend says that the stone came from Baitulmakdis (Al Quds) in Jerusalem - Palestine. From the words that appear Baitulmakdis Holy name which means holy, so that the mosque is called the Holy Mosque and the city named by the Holy city.
Mosque Minaret consists of 5 pieces right side door, and 5 pieces left door. The windows all have 4 pieces. Large door consists of 5 pieces, and a large pillar in the mosque which comes from teak wood is 8 pieces. However, this mosque is not in the original, larger than the original because in 1918 - an already renovated. Inside the mosque there is a pool, pool-shaped "padasan" is a relic of the primeval and serve as a place of ablution. Is still in question until now, whether the pool Hindu relic or deliberately created by Sunan Kudus to adopt the Hindu culture. Inside the mosque there are 2 pieces of the flag, which is located on the right and left of the preacher read a sermon. On the front porch of the mosque there is a gate door, which is commonly referred to by residents as "Lawang twin", is said gate is derived from the former Majapahit kingdom first, the arch was once used as a door mirror.
Ghost stories of the tower there were various versions, there are opinions that say, "that the Holy tower is the former temple of the Hindus,". The proof is almost similar shape Kidal Temple located in East Java, established about 1250 or similar Singosari Temple. Another opinion says that under the Ghost Tower, once there is a fountain of life. Why? because the living creatures that have died if included in the spring into life again. Because it is feared will cult, ditutuplah spring by building towers. Holy tower height of approximately 17 meters, around decorated with a picture discs, all of which amounted to 32 fruit number. 20 pieces including a blue and berlukiskan mosque, men with camels and palm trees. Who's the other 12 pieces of red and white flowers berlukiskan. In the tower there is the stairs are made of teak wood which may be made in 1895 AD About the building and decoration clearly shows its relationship with the Hindu art of Java. Because Minaret building that consists of 3 parts: (1) Feet (2) Body and (3) The peak of the building. Also decorated with ornamental art, or artefix (decoration that resembles a small hill).
Unique and historical impression this is a very interesting religious tourists and ordinary tourists. Every day this place is always crowded by tourists, tourists from around the Holy city is usually visited on a weekday, Saturday and Sunday are usually more visitors from out of town. On 10 Shura 'is the culmination of a crowd in the mosque complex, in order khaul Kanjeng death of Sunan Kudus. Although it contains a unique characteristic, but the spatial structure of the mosque seems unorganized. Being situated in the center of the Holy city, just 5 minutes from the square of the Holy city, the mosque was surrounded by a fairly dense housing residents. Thus, reduced the beauty of the Minaret Mosque complex of buildings that are now entering as one of the cultural heritage. In addition, the number of beggars who were around the mosque, also can interfere with the visitors who come. Kept awake for sustainability, the arrangement of space around the mosque must be repaired back to maintain a beautiful and unique impression Mosque Minaret this.

Masjid Agung Demak

Demak Great Mosque is the oldest mosque in Java, founded Nine or Wali Wali Songo. Location Mosque located in the center of Demak, is + 26 km from the city of Semarang, + 25 km from the Holy District, and + 35 km from Jepara.
This mosque is the origin of the founding of the kingdom of Demak Bintoro Glagahwangi. The structure of the mosque building has historical value of traditional architecture built arts of Indonesia. His form majestic, graceful, beautiful, charismatic, charming and authoritative. Now the Great Mosque of Demak functioned as a place of worship and pilgrimage.
Appearances pyramid pyramid roof of this mosque shows Aqidah Islamiyah which consists of three parts: (1) Faith, (2) Islam, and (3) Ihsan. In this mosque there is a "Door Bledeg", read "Condro Sengkolo", which reads Nogo Mulat Saliro Wani, with the meaning of the Saka year 1388 or 1466 AD, or 887 H.
inscription fleecedRaden Fattah Mosque with Wali Songo established Supreme timeless masterpiece that is by making a charismatic bald pictorial inscriptions. This is Condro Sengkolo Memet, with the meaning of the Lonely Sariro Kiblating meaningful Gusti in 1401 Saka. Figure machinations consists of the head which means the number 1 (one), leg 4 means the number 4 (four), agency machinations means the number 0 (zero), the tail struck mean number 1 (one). Can be concluded, the Great Mosque of Demak was founded in 1401 Saka.
cornerstone majapahitSoko Majapahit, this amounted to eight pole pieces located in the foyer of the mosque. Archaeological objects gifts from the King of UB V Kertabumi Raden Raden Fattah was given to when the Duke of Demak Bintoro Glagahwangi Notoprojo in 1475 AD
Pawestren, a building specifically designed for women jama'ah prayer. Created using teak wood construction, with a shingle roof forms Limasan (tile from wood) teak. The building is supported by eight pillars, in which 4 of them are decorated with carved motifs of Majapahit. Floor area stretching to the mecca of size 15 x 7.30 m. Pawestren was made at the time of KRMAArya Purbaningrat, reflected in the shapes and motifs carved Maksurah or Kholwat which to apply in 1866 AD
maksurahSurya Majapahit, a decorative image in terms of 8, which is very popular during the Majapahit. The ancient experts interpret this picture as a symbol of the Kingdom of Majapahit. Surya Majapahit in Demak Great Mosque built in 1401 Saka year, or 1479 AD
Maksurah, an ornate building artifacts relics of the past who have unique and beautiful aesthetic value. This artwork dominates the beauty of space in the mosque. Artifacts Maksurah therein berukirkan Arabic writing that essentially memulyakan the Oneness of God Allah SWT. Inscriptions in the figures refer to year 1287 Maksurah H or 1866 AD, in which at that time occupied by the Duke of Demak KRMA Aryo Purbaningrat.
mace / door bledhegBledheg doors, doors that supposedly believed to be able to ward off lightning is a creation of Ki Ageng Selo in the days of Mayor. This relic is the inscription "Condro Sengkolo" which reads Nogo Mulat Saliro Wani, meaningful Saka year 1388 or 1466 AD, or 887 H.
Pengimaman mihrab or place, in which there is a decorative image that struck the inscription "Condro Sengkolo". These inscriptions have a meaning "Quiet Sariro Kiblating Gusti", meaning in 1401 or 1479 Saka M (results formulation Ijtihad). In front there right Mihrab pulpit for sermons. Archaeologists object is known as Dampar Kencono legacy of Majapahit.
Dampar Kencana, archaeological objects is a legacy of Majapahit XV century, as a gift to Sultan's Raden Fattah Demak I of the father of King Brawijaya to V Raden Kertabumi. Since the throne of Demak Sultanate led by Raden Trenggono 1521 - 1560 AD, universally united and famous archipelago, as if to repeat the triumph Patih Gajah Mada.
cornerstoneSoko shavings / Soko Guru that consists of 4 This is the main pillar supporting the roof frame of a composite of three mosques. Each pillar has a height 1630 cm. Formation of the layout of the four pillars anchored on the four corners of the compass. Located in the northwest was established Sunan Bonang, southwest of the work of Sunan Gunung Jati, in the southeastern part of Sunan Ampel artificial, and which stood in the northeast of the work of Sunan Kalijaga Demak. Society named the Sunan Kalijaga artificial pole as Soko shavings.
Site Swimming wudlu. This site is built to accompany the beginning of the Great Mosque of Demak as a place for berwudlu. Until now the site of this pool are still in place even though it is not used anymore.
Tower, the building as a place of prayer was established with steel construction. Selection of steel construction while answering the demands of modernization of the twentieth century. Construction of the tower initiated the scholars, such as KH.Abdurrohman (prince of Demak Great Mosque), R. Danoewijoto, H. Moh Taslim, H. Aboebakar, and H. Moechsin
Source Office of eco Demak Regency

Mosque of Kraton Surakarta

COLLAPSE Demak Sultanate as the first Islamic kingdom, does not mean undermining the development of Islam in Java. Indeed, the opposite occurs, the spread of these religions is growing rapidly. Therefore do not be surprised if in the days after the period of the kingdoms of Demak Sultanate, had so many people recognize and embrace Islam. Even among the nobility even, including the kings who occupied the throne.
So that happened in the early establishment Kasunanan Keraton Surakarta, around the 18th century. How the development of Islam was so strong pervasive in the lives of the nobility palace and the public. Some evidence that until now there is still strengthen it. One of these is the Great Mosque of Surakarta Palace Kasunanan. The mosque is located to the west of Alun-alun Lor was a mosque that was built the palace, as well as to witness rapid development in the spread of Islam in the beginning of the palace at the time.
In a book titled The Great Mosque of Surakarta Palace Kasunanan disclosed, the mosque was built during the Ingkang Sinuwun Kanjeng Susuhunan (ISKS) Pakubowono (PB) III in 1745. Or built 11 years after Kasunanan Surakarta Palace stood in the village of Solo.Also disclosed, architectural design in the construction of a building dilihami Demak Mosque. It was intentional. Because the king's command when it is so. "King (PB III) was very impressed with the shape of the building Demak Mosque. Therefore, when building the mosque, he wanted the same form, "it is written in the book.So there stood a mosque the same shape with Demak Mosque. Namely joglo shaped and flat-roofed three who symbolizes the perfection of human (Muslim) for life, namely Islam, Iman, and Ikhsan (charity).
Furthermore, in line with the turn of the next generation of the king, the Great Mosque experienced several additions and improvements. Among them, in front of the mosque was built next to the foyer and built pawastren (where pilgrims daughter). Even once in 1856 installed a gold dome. But because there are ignorant to steal some, the dome is forced down to be stored at the museum.

Masjid Agung Cirebon 

Sang Cipta Rasa Mosque built in 1480 AD, by the guardian is located in the Village Kesepuhan, Lemahwungkuk District, City Cirebon.belum much information about the mosque once the pride of communities cirebon ini.Lain Cheap Travel Tips to Up date the Grand Mosque

The old mosque in Kotawaringin

Masjid Jami 'Kiai Gede Miladiyah built in 1632 which coincided with the year 1052 Hijri. At that time in charge of the Kingdom of Banjarmasin Sultanate Kotawaringin with government held Duke Prince Young (1010-1055 H Long before the entry of the Dutch colonial in Indonesia, Kotawaringin is the kingdom / empire.The influence of Islamic teachings to the Kotawaringin that when it was under the Kasultana Demak Bintoro).Kiai Gede who once studied to Sunan Giri in Gresik, came to Borneo in 1591 around Miladiyah. When the Banjarmasin Sultanate under the command of Sultan Mustainubillah fourth king who ruled in 1650-1678 Miladiyah.
Typical architectureMasjid Jami 'Kiai Gede are 16 X 16 meters wide keseleuruhan reached 256 square meters. Construction of buildings made of wood of choice, allowing ironwood survive for long periods. Foundations of buildings designed using weather resistant materials, to avoid rotting poles with age are not planted but placed on a bowl made of ironwood, typical of Borneo.In addition to being unique and engineering breakthrough when it is at once a brilliant brainchild. The young generation is engaged in engineering construction should mirror the experience of successful predecessors developed various breakthrough architect

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